Uploading Signatures, Stamps and Logos

Modified on Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:50 by Administrator — Categorized as: eCert Chamber

Signatures, stamps and Chamber logos need to be uploaded during the initial setup and during the staff changes. These images are used in various parts of eCert.

Document Stamps and Signatures


The images appearing on the Certificates of Origin provided in eCert WebDocs are set up in eCert Chamber Details.

Image Format Details

Image Description Image Size File Type
Chamber Logo (1)/(2) 5in x 2.3in / 5cm x 2.3cm   JPG
Signature (3)6.7in x 1.5in / 17cm x 3cm   JPG/PNG

Stamp and Signature Upload Instructions

Upload Signature Click Here and follow the steps and you will have your signature uploaded in minutes.  Just print the page, and follow the instructions on it (You only need to do it once).

Notes on Image Formats

Images you upload are of three types and are the ones which:

1. Make up the appearance of a document;

2. Are placed onto the documents during the stamping process; and

3. Appear on the website itself as part of a web page.

Although in most cases, JPEG image formats will work, there are times when other formats work better:

Stamps generally need to go over other information on a document are best made using transparency. JPEG images do not support transparency. Although Opacity can be used in the Stamps setup, best results here will be achieved using PNG 8 bit, "Index" transparency.

Please contact eCertify Support if you would like your images converted to this format.